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Monday, July 27, 2009

Father figures

Source ::: MumbaiMirror

Far away from the public eye, Hrithik Roshan is just like any other father who bonds with, and also disciplines, his two sons at home

Hrithik Roshan, who feels he hasn’t been able to spend enough time with his younger son Hridaan, who is fourteen months old, now intends to make up for lost time.

“I’ve been shooting most of the time. I’ve hardly had time to be with him. Hridaan smiles at everything and everyone. He’s quite a smiley baby,” says the proud papa.

As for the elder son, three-year-old Hrehaan, Hrithik says he’s a super-hero. “Sometimes for half a day Hrehaan is Krrish and for the other half of the day he is Spiderman or Superman. So he’s flying around the house all day. Sometimes he falls and gets hurt but that’s okay. He’s fantastic.”

Hrithik loves everything to be well-placed in the house. “Hrehaan is allowed to go as crazy as he wants in the house, as long as he puts all the toys back. I’ve never stopped him from doing anything. Even when he was just a one-and-a-half year old and he banged the DVD player, I reasoned rather than shouted at him,” he says.

All fathers believe that their children are the smartest. And Hrithik is no different. Seemingly ordinary things take on a special glow just because it’s one’s child who is being discussed. “Hrehaan wakes up early in the morning and puts on the DVD player to watch any films he wants. He holds the DVD in the centre hole because he doesn’t want it to get scratched. He also puts on the air conditioner himself. It’s amazing,” adds Hrithik.

At the moment, Hrehaan’s favourite films are Spiderman and Krrish.

Commenting on how much he is willing to invest both physically and emotionally in a film, Hrithik says, “The big question I always ask myself before doing a film is, can I give my right arm for it? If the answer is yes, then I’m on. For Kites, I can give both my arms.”

On second thoughts, he says, “Considering what I went through with my knees, I take that back. Nothing matters more than your health. Now when I pray for my sons, I pray for their good health.”