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Friday, November 20, 2009

Bollywood set to romance 70's again

Source :: Glamsham

Bollywood is waking up the flavor of 70's again. This time it's the choreographers who are at the forefront of this mission. The Latin and ballroom dance used to be the lead flavor of the 70's. Some of the most remembered dance forms especially made famous by Helen belong to this category.  
But over the time, this dance form has been pushed to the backdrop. Now, one of the ace names in the world of choreography is working towards bringing this dance form back. Yes, we are talking about Sandip Soparkar who will be bringing these dance moves alive in the upcoming film KITES. Not only that, Soparkar is also hosting the First Mumbai Championship of this dance form in which 42 couples will take part. The aim of this move is to popularize the Latin and ballroom dance once again.  
Speaking about his mission, Soparkar says, "The Latin and ballroom dance has always been a popular Bollywood dance forms. Especially in the 70's most of the films of that use to rely on this form of dance. But later on it got pushed into the oblivion and now I am working at getting it back into Bollywood. In the film KITES you will see this dance form making a comeback."  
Well, with bollywood romancing the old moves yet again, let's hope this popular dance of the 70's finds its lost glory soon.